Monday, September 3, 2012

Hello dear reader, 

For about a year now I have been taking photos and posting just about every meal I make or eat 95% of the time they are one in the same. I hope, with each posting, to help give you a little twist to your everyday meals. 

I have had many people asking how I made them or how I come up with the ideas. Finally after much poking and prodding by my husband I am now starting this way overdue blog!!! 

I sometimes find recipes online that I use, when I do I'll make sure to post the link and give credit where credit is due. Most of the time I just come up with ideas on my own and later find someone has made similar meals. Great minds think alike!

In my household we eat a paleo diet. for more information on what that is look here.

We sometimes eat dairy, but rarely, and as someone who loves dairy more than words could explain in truth it was very easy to go from including it in every meal to not having it. If we have dairy, it's in the form of cheese, and it is because it's in a pre-made salad or some other dish when we are out.  

We have started a fruit and vegetable garden in our backyard. We hope to have our first harvest next month. I also have a few herbs (greek basil and garlic clove) hope to be planting more as the years go on. 

I am not a chef. I have no formal training in the kitchen. I am a woman who is tried of all the terrible food options at places others call restaurants. If you want something done right you have to do it yourself and that is exactly what I am doing!      

Welcome to my cave and enjoy!!

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